
LPI - Global Education Services
140 Bis Rue de Rennes
75006 Paris - FRANCE

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James Brown

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James Brown, Ph.D

Originally from the US, James attended McGill University (Canada) where he obtained a B.A. in Political Science. He pursued his graduate studies in France having first obtained a DEA in Political Studies at Sciences Po Paris followed then by a DEA in the History of Philosophy at Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. He completed his studies with a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Paris X – Nanterre.

James has experience working and teaching within the French higher education system as well as with British and American universities. He contributed to the build-up of the Direction of International Affairs at Ecole Centrale Paris (now CentraleSupelec) as Deputy Director heading up the Office of International Mobility. He later spearheaded the creation of the International Relations Office at the Institut Catholique de Paris. More recently, he developed the Paris campus of an American university through optimizing its operations, the growth of its student population and by the renewal of its accreditation with its US-based agency.


James has been an advisor to the HCERES (French higher education authority) for international relations, an external examiner with the Higher Degree Research Committee at Macquarie University (Australia) and obtained qualification by the French National Council of Universities for Philosophy and English in 2008.

As a consultant in higher education internationalization, James advises on accreditation, international strategy, recruitment and helping clients navigate the impact of digital technologies on their international operations. He also pursues pro bono work in sustainable development education with Mukana Sustainable Development Ltd. (Zimbabwe) and municipal twinning associations between France and Scotland.



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